replace (en en) + related learn again with synonyms or antonyms

replace (en en) + related learn again with synonyms or antonyms ------dorky, replace Awkward尷尬
conducive, replace helpful (有助益的)
hamper, versus hinder阻礙

fat chance , replace less chance or a long shot

ride with, replace teeming with (充斥)
imbecele, replace idiot
patsy,  (pet 時)= scapegoats, 代罪羊
unruffled ,replace calm (ruffle 弄亂 竪起羽毛)
sublime , 卓越的 replace excellent 
ruffle, 弄亂 竪起羽毛stoke 
plucky, bold intrepid
Aubergine, replace (all but jean) (British) (2:26 )Eggplant 茄子
arduous , 難受的 replace hard(Alita)
dongle, replace adapter 加密狗 適配器
 jalopy, replace old car
corroborate, replace confirm
 pommel, related saddle
arduous time , 難受的 replace hard time
arduous training, 難受的 replace hard training 



Can’t Read - history english quizlet (play multi and choice Thur Morning)

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