Can’t Read - history english quizlet (play multi and choice Thur Morning)
iconoclast, 反傳統者(people who buck the trend )
motley, 雜色衣服
cerulean = azure blue, 天藍色 teal
verboten = forbidden, 嚴格禁止的
A large contingent of football fans booed the national anthem, 分組預賽
telescopic batons, 可伸縮的
peony,牡丹 (牛嚼牡丹 = 焚琴煮鶴, ox chew peony = a big waste )
wantonly, 嬉鬧地 淫亂地 (放肆地)(焚琴煮鶴 = 牛嚼牡丹,wantonly 嬉鬧地destroy beautiful thing )
dorky replace Awkward,尷尬
earn my lo mein, 中國撈麵 伴麵
shattered my femur, 大腿骨粉碎
hue, 色澤 huge(cnn marrakech 馬拉 喀什)
arboriculture carabiners,樹木培植 扣
Apple Pencil latency,潛伏
encounter a snag, 意料不到障礙
snag the thief,快速搜尋 抓住
In recognition of , 褒獎
calcified, 使鈣化
hoarding land, 囤地(ho ding)
pent-up, 被壓抑
undignified ,不體面的
Britain shouldn’t “blush, 發紅 害羞 攪亂
cerulean azure, 天藍色 sky teal blue
iconoclast, 反傳統者(people who buck the trend )
wear motley, 扮小丑(雜色的 mock 你)
cerulean = azure blue, 天藍色 teal ( zoo lu 你銀 air sir)
verboten = forbidden, 嚴格禁止的(ver Bold 騰)
A large contingent of football fans booed the national anthem, 分組預賽 分遣隊 (con 天 盡)(contingency)
telescopic batons, 可伸縮的
relegated,放逐降職 (route 你 grade ed)
peony,牡丹 (牛嚼牡丹 = 焚琴煮鶴, ox chew peony = a big waste )(pee 銀 你)
wantonly, 嬉鬧地 淫亂地 (放肆地)(焚琴煮鶴 = 牛嚼牡丹,wantonly 嬉鬧地destroy beautiful thing )
modus operandi, 犯罪手法(ted bundy)
You are always espousing,擁護支持
In one ear out the other,左耳入右耳出
Machismo, 男子氣概 (密 chis mode)(mindhunter)
Corral them, 圍捕 (cuz router) (mindhunter)
Microscopic niche, 只係能在顯微鏡上看到的 (mindhunter)
Am I supposed to be cowed by Wendy, 母牛 威脅(mindhunter)
Don’t get caught up in semantics,語義學 別太在意這種話(mindhunter)
Tape get Mangled, 割破 亂砍
Hootch , 私酒 (hoot ch) (mindhunter)
pyromania, 放火狂(netflix mindhunter)(hōkakyō ほう か きょう)
pupil of Indah's eye had been ruptured by,破裂(news)
pagan, 不信教的人(pay gan)
feasting, 盛宴
Grit,有毅力 (砂礫 膽量)(Spiderman1)
Corsage, 胸花 (Spiderman1)(call 沙ch)
bog down, 下陷( 沼澤)
Spear and halberd , 戟(help berg)(Spiderman2)
dahila necklace, 大麗菊(Spikerman2) (打你牙)
choreographed, 為。。。編舞(news)
Shack, 簡陋木屋(lonely planet)
resolute (enforcement action),堅決的
hurled petrol bombs at police,猛力投擲
looking stern, 嚴肅
Psionic, (psy on nic )心靈(Netflix - stranger things)
Goliath,歌利亞巨人 (go live th)
Alas, (阿 last)哎呀( dilireba )
incision, 切口 (Mindhunter in see sion)
mandible, 上顎骨 (man di ble)( Ted Bundy) (larynx, 喉 lar ricc kemper)
motley, 雜色的 ( mock 你)
the wedding guest's thick makeup was garish and unnecessary, 過分裝飾的
putrefaction,化膿 (ted bundy)
larynx, 喉 (lar ricc) (kemper) (mandible上顎骨 man di ble)
menial jobs,(mean 你 傲)技術低的工作(kemper)
his juvenile records were permanently expunged,刪除(ex 奔 ch)(kemper)
secluded areas ,隔離(食 includes ed)(kemper)
couth ,文雅的 (Greta)( cool u th) (genteel)
couth genteel ,文雅的 (Greta)( cool u th) (genteel)
Knowles insisted he was not attacking Thunberg but rather her parents and liberals, 開明的 公允的
visceral reaction, 出自內心的
thanks for your hospitality, 好客
nominal( and symbolic象徵),名義上的 (deduction as )
Vaginal discharge, 分泌物
fraught with hardship, 伴隨的 憂慮的 (frog ht)
dorky replace Awkward,尷尬 (多ky)
mung = green gram = maash kind og legumes , 綠豆(mount)
craniotomy , 顱骨切開術
misdemeanor, 輕罪( mis de mean 拿)
jalopy, replace old car古董車( ja lobster canopy)
cunning, 狡猾的
corroborate or refute, 證實 駁斥
dorky replace Awkward,尷尬
earn my lo mein, 中國撈麵 伴麵 ( no main)
shattered my femur, 大腿骨粉碎 (film mur)
hue, 色澤( huge)(cnn marrakech 馬拉 喀什)
arboriculture carabiners,樹木培植 扣
Apple Pencil latency,潛伏
encounter a snag, 意料不到障礙
snag the thief,快速搜尋 抓住
In recognition of , 褒獎
calcified, 使鈣化
hoarding land, 囤地(ho ding)
pent-up, 被壓抑
undignified ,不體面的
Britain shouldn’t “blush, 發紅 害羞 攪亂
cerulean azure, 天藍色 sky teal blue
nobody believes hooey like that, 胡言亂語 胡說八道 (you name)
telescopic batons, 可伸縮的
nobody believes hooey like that, 胡言亂語 胡說八道 (you name)
telescopic batons, 可伸縮的
lymph , 淋巴(
supine position, 仰臥的(,假牙(Gaten Matarazzo)
Claircognizant empaths, 感知能力(MIB )
Subdermal spots, 皮下的(MIB )dossier
,資料(多 c A) (a file containing detailed records on a particular person or subject)(MIB )
polka dot , 圓點花紋 (cnn 227 yayoi kusama 弥生 / 草間 )
plaits, 辮子(twilight)
accede, 答應
a full-fledged, 長羽
despised extradition bill , 鄙視(dish s buy)
cheapskate, 吝嗇鬼 小氣鬼( youtube torres)(cheap s 基)
stifle a yawn,忍住呵欠(twilight saga)
This walkthrough page is a stub, 連根拔除
sputter ,噴濺(s 不 ter)
a pet peeve ,惹惱 (pee v)(bbc)
implications, 含意 涉及 捲入 (bbc)
manure,糞肥(animal excrement used as a fertiliser )(bbc)
pontoon ,浮舟(bbc)
gaudy, 俗的(old quizlet)
a scrum of, 一群亂哄哄的記者
cooper ruminated, 倒嚼
torque wrench, 士巴拿(MIB )
but i am not fornicating with, 通奸
are you pimping me out to, 讓某人與某人上床
Tell, 小動作(MIB )
Claircognizant empaths, 感知能力(MIB )
Subdermal spots, 皮下的(MIB )
dossier,資料(多 c A) (a file containing detailed records on a particular person or subject)(MIB )
mortar,迫擊炮 (z war)
marksman , 神射手 (gunslinger 快槍手)(z war)
claymore ,雙刃大刀(z war)
Turret, 炮塔(z war)
Candor, 坦率(Hanna)
Hellar is rogue asset, 不定時炸彈 (Hanna)
i am losing it, 我崩潰(endgame)
get it together,振作(endgame)
is it too much to ask that you brush the crumbs out of your beard , (鬚)不算過份要你梳靚把鬚(endgame)
scullery , 炊具存放室(Endgame)
get gone lickety-split, 就閃 (Endgame) 火速地(US informal)
grovel, 崩潰 (卑躬屈膝)(end game)
sadistic ,虐待狂(end game)
tearjerker, 賺人熱淚的電影 (end game)
he is bi-curious , 雙性戀 (Truth or Dare)
bear, 基佬嘅伴侶 (Truth or Dare)
agro -posturing , (to be angry or hostile for no reason) 咄咄逼人 裝腔作勢 (Truth or Dare)
pious , 虔誠的 (devout)
poke 刺 a few holes, poke 打探 in to private life
defy,( Migrant ship docks to) 反抗 (Italy's government)
squish,壓扁 (For not just letting that stupid van squish壓扁 me.From Kindle)