中英 my sentence (chi en) 5

中英 my sentence  (chi en) 5——-

失去吸引力, my ex wife pall on me
開誠布公, lay one’s card on the table 
唔係化, no way

有殺錯無放過, without missing a beat (節拍)(your name)

讚自己, pat themselves on the back 

打爆你嘅前列腺, i am gonna break your prostate 



你說話有含意,you make cryptic remarks 

他都不放鬆嗎?,does he ever lighten up 

話雖如此 (although say like that)(japan always do their to push their envelope to their business, they do the excellent jobs. But all that said , they always become a loser comparison with chinese that without to much afford) But all that said 

對我失去吸引力 pall on me 

他不是月光族 (he is living paycheck to paycheck

我是月光族) i am living paycheck to paycheck 醉翁之意不在酒 it's always have an axe to grind when you are doing something 美化 tie ( ) in a bow (i just drink it occasionally )零星地 i just drink it sporadically 傾向 喜好 my pendant of picking romantic song 不是一步登天 it was't a click of finger 水腫 edema 別的想法 but i think otherwise 不論如何 用某種方法 one way or another 我人生精彩過 had the ride in I have had the ride in my life. My illustrious Jesus and father , thank you 

你真有本事 find dirt in a snowstorm You could find dirt in a snowstorm 

我人生輝煌過 splendid time I have had a splendid 壯麗 time 過得非常愉快. Thanks my illustrious Jesus

半途而廢 fall by the wayside 

天有眼 (上蒼) it was providence 使某事物可信 To lend credence to something Have a ball = have really good time 有美好的時光 Have a ball 說無用的事, (what ful) say many things meaningless Can you stop Waffling on 震撼世界 A shot heard around the world alert 警覺 One the ball 我要你負責 Hold you to account 有趣搞笑的人 Rob is A barrel of laughs 剛夠錢生存 (make end meet 剛夠錢生存) To keep the wolf from the door 唔好成日提住好嗎? Don't rub it in 吃捐出的食物。(freeloader唔付出唔比錢的人) Freegan 不設實際 In cloud cookoo land 無可避免的過程, 只能接至能達至 A necessary evil 快啲啦 Step on it 佢講中左, 你應接受 If the cap fits 前事不計 (white) (s late) Wipe the slate clean 驚嚇 有冇搞錯啊 (surprising and ignoring ) It's really Take the biscuit 超出能力範圍(depth (johon depp) Out of your depth 放假和工作一樣 A busmen holiday 不要在公眾地方講私事 Don't wash your dirty linen in public, 不要在公眾地方講私事 和你預期一不一樣? Has it been what you expected? 安於現狀 不思進取 Don't Rest on your laurels 全力支持你 I will stand four square behind you 使生氣 Really Get my goat 安於現狀 不思進取 Don't Rest on your laurels 將罪名歸咎他人 pin it on somebody Survival of ....適者生存 Survival of the fittest 蓋 陰影 to Cast a pall 埋葬死人了 Pushing up daisies 使乏味 To pall 使乏味 on somebody 因禍得福 a blessing in disguise (ads tout sth )威力無比 as packing a punch (idiomatic 慣用語) To reserve or hold back nothing 全力以赴 Pull out all the stops (All's ....) 情場如戰場 All's fair in love and war 傾巢而出 最好準備 All hands on deck 你抵讚 you deserve a pat on the back 覆水難收 The genie is out if the bottle 死不瞑目 Turning over in their grave (podcasts) too nervous to move and say (evernote quizlet ) rabbit in the headlights 耿耿於懷 A chip on the shoulder 情比金堅 Rock solid relationship 埋葬 lay somebody to rest moving mountain to 排除萬難地學 i am beating the odd to learn english 你應自行決定 you are on your own you should use your own discretion 由你自行決定 on your own call at your discretion 因犯規被罰下場 to be sent off for a foul 不擇手段 by fair means or foul 觸犯法律 to fall foul of the law 不予 拒付 not allowing withhold approval 向某人隱瞞某事 hiding something from somebody to withhold something from somebody 我會破例一次 i change my mind this time i'll bend my principle once stick a needle in it = 我們之後才談這個 put a pin in this 事實巳在眼前 Remains to be unseen 兩全其美 win win the best of both world 總的來說 after all All in all 考驗...的能力 put them a test Put through their paces at Rarely 幾乎沒有 i Hardly ever listen and speak english nowaday after i left englishtown (或 face)[英国口语] 奚落;打击 sharp slap a smack in the eye 與某人發生沖突 to fall or run foul of somebody 去蕪存菁 Separate the wheat from the chaff 斷章取義 out of the context you are garbling now 背叛某人 Throw someone under the bus 非常強調 cannot stress that enough 對某人為所欲為 To ride roughshod over someone 謹慎即大勇 discretion is the better part of valour 沒準備好 Off the cuff 非常了解 Know a thing or two 心情糟透的 in a foul mood 有史以來 of all time 新的Ted 如何還是繁榮地運作呢? how is new Ted still working prosperously? i m sorry to hear that - that's devastating you have my condolences 畫蛇添足 gild the lily 不!我取得進展 I am making the most headway 咩佢隻鑊 Carried the can for him 產後 抑鬱 (depression) Postpartum 趁火打劫 To take advantage of others' misfortune 超出預期 odds over the odds 不吝嗇 to be generous with something 以退為進 passive aggressive 趁火打劫 To take advantage of others' misfortune 軟硬兼施 carrot and stick 多管閒事 to have a finger in every pie 你要好好合作 You better play ball 惹毛 Get Kim more riled up (spleen 脾 )大發雷霆 an outburst of spleen (Their explanations only serve to )混淆 (and confuse.) obfuscate 全力支持你 will strand four square behind you (Our brothers are already in the field! why....... ? 我们的弟兄已经开赴战场,为什么我们还在这里)投闲置散? stand we here idle 惹毛 Get Kim more riled up 微不足道 a drop in the ocean 我不得不承認 I can't help but admit that 新官上任三把火 a new broom sweeps clean you better play ball 你要好好 合作 萬事俱備, 蓄勢待發( i am ready) in a boxer's stance 事實已在眼前 不用等待觀察 remain to be unseen 偏執 多疑的 i am being paranoid 引人入勝 Capture the imagination (Genius 天才)別出心裁的 Ingenious 我直說吧!( with all due respect 恕我直言) let me be very candid here 取得進展 are making the most headway 恰好 right on cue 希望猶存 All is not lost 吸引 Pull in 錯誤百出 to flounder through a speech 極其 Is nothing if not 經歷人生最精彩的一段 has the ride of one's life 輕易地打敗 (tomb rider) You got whupped 終究 At the end of the day 恕我直言 with all due respect 某人對某事淡然處 nonchalant Take something in somebody stride 一塵不染的 spick and span 仰望 Hope in 合得來 we kind of hit it off 十分堅強 As tough as old boots 類似的東西 (all that jazz) Whatnot 盡一己之力 Done his bit To say something foolish, tactless, or offensive, usually without meaning to. put foot in mouth She has (. )a lot of our other patients 性格的感染影響 rubbed off on 多謝你搭路 thanks for hook-up 那天風雨交加 it was a foul day 我會給你看我的殘暴 I will show you my ferocity 心比天高 Reaching for the stars 首先 first and foremost 充分準備的 is poised to 意義非凡的 larger-than-life 簡化為 Boils down to 灌輸 to hammer something to somebody 至少可以這樣說 To say the least of it 一點也不介意 I don't mind in the least 做對某人有利的事 play into the hands of somebody 長遠來看 In the long run 就某方面而言 by another perspective In a sense 卑鄙的 She is a despicable traitor. despicable 而非 不像 As opposed to 出售 供競標 on the block 煞風景 a sting in the tail 你女兒真懂事, 開明的 that's an enlightened kid you got there 放肆的 presumptuous 放手一搏 冒險一試 Take the plunge 旗開得勝 get off to a flying start 卑鄙的 despicable 煞風景 a sting in bee tail 赤字 deficit 一蹶不振 失控 Send something into a tailspin 實踐 make good on 壟斷市場 Corner the market 拳擊的 Pugilistic 定價過高 Price out (Lasers offer you much higher resolution with cooking )而非 (conventional cooking methods ) As opposed to 意料中事 is par of course 刻意逃避辣(大而見到的)手問題 ignoring the elephant in the room 比某人腦袋靈光 run laps around sb 我看你不像雇傭兵 You don't strike me as a mercenary 衰到貼地 it's a bust 多謝你搭路 thks for hook-up 做錯事會比人罰 heads must fall 仍歷久不衰 be still going strong 防患未然 Nip in the bud 出爾反爾 backtrack on the promise 當場。在現場 On the spot 飲嘢 Grab some drinks 聊天 chew the fact 冒險 (will) will never get out on a limb 極其無知 to be pig ignorant (flankly) 老實說 Truth be told 正如我清腸養生法 similar to my cleansing diet regimen 充份地用 I would use it to the fullest 享有 is blessed with 有幸得到 is blessed with 嚴厲批評 hammer somebody for something 經濟受創 to be hammered by recession 大家鎮定點 Keep your wigs on now (Apparently )至少表面上地 As far as i can tell 不容小覷 (to take into consideration) to be reckoned with 不容小覷 (to be reckoned with) to take into consideration 隱約可見 Looming on the horizon 一點也不 Is not in the least 頓悟 Dawn on somebody 萬無一失的 Unerring 某程度上來說 To some extent 綽綽有餘 to be more than sufficient 對我而言 As far as I am concerned (易你so ly) 一開始 (from the beginning) Initially 不適用於 Ticket blackout date 突然失控地喊出 let loose on 意義非凡 Larger thab life 更加不用說 Let alone 概括地說 In a nutshell 全員出動 Out in force 一有機會 Gets half a chance 熱情參與幫助 To pitch in with 習慣於 Is no stranger to 要他負責任 Holding Trump to account 貧民窟 other side of the tracks 不夠用 手頭拮据 捉襟見肘 Feel a pinch 承擔責任 Shoulder the blame 潛水 went off the grid 以......為基礎 On the .... basis 你不是應該睡了嗎? Shouldn't you be sleeping? 怕求助無門 Afraid nowhere to turn 中飽私囊 Line one's pocket 打鐵趁熱 Make hay while the sunshine 冒險 Stick one's neck out 形成中 in the making our customers with high quality products always strive to provide 透露 wear something on one's sleeve This pharaoh 對自己的問題坦白 wore his problems on his sleeves 與世隔絕 Lives in a vacuum 鬆了一口氣 Breathe a sigh of relief 正確看待某物 客觀來說 put something in perspective 憔悴的 haggard 無計可施 bereft of idea 適得其反 will be counterproductive 誤入歧途的 go oft astray 誤入歧途的 不能吃大熱的人 Cat tongue 柔和的 downy 情有可原 justified 柔和的 downy Apricot 第三者 二奶 Home wrecker 風水輪流轉 Every dog has its day 激增 burgeoning e-sports 強大的集團 powerhouse 梯田 rice terrace (ter way ce) 冰山一角 Tip of iceberg 剩女 a love pariah 神童 prodigy 安老院舍 residential care homes 志大才疏 his ambition outran his ability 害群之馬 black sheep 代罪羔羊 scapegoal 綜援 Comprehensive Social Security Assistance"簡稱"CSSA" 有緣 serendipities we meant to be 機緣 meant to be a series of small serendipities 潦倒地死去 die a dog's death 妄自菲薄 improperly belittle oneself- inferiority 節育 birth control 時尚達人 trendy guy fashion plate 新官上任三把火 a new broom sweeps clean 前車之鑑 It's well to profit by the folly of others 她是適婚的 she is nubile (new buy 傲) sexually attractive (— usedof a young woman a nubile starlet小女明星) 開誠佈公 straight from the shoulder in an open and honest way of speaking; speak frankly and sincerely 故意拿架子 i hate my boss always play hard to get 強硬路線的人 adheres uncompromisingly hardliner 旗開得勝 start off smoothly vs end up got off to a flying start 旗開得勝 金蟬脫殼 predicament 困境 to slip out of a predicament like a cicada 憔悴的 i look shit harggard 放肆的 sumptuous 盛的 presumptuous 緊接著 in the wake of On the heels of 讓人刮目相看 blow somebody's socks off 無可避免的過程, 只能接至能達至 A necessary evil 掩口費 Hush money 一步之隔 Spitting distance 私奔 eloping 通姦 fornicate 名義上的 (deduction as )nominal( and symbolic) 呈現 unfold 有條理的 methodical 後備軍 reserves 看著辦 cross the bridge 船到橋頭自然直 cross the bridge 順水推舟 Cross the bridge 斷絕後路 Burn bridges 事實 無法挽回的過去 Water under the bridge 電解質 electrolyte 我們呆了 we nailed 我氣炸 i snapped 暗箭傷人 hit somebody below the belt 有經驗的 under ones belt 縮衣節食 Belt tightening 剩下 down to 狼瘡(loop plus) lupus 不知明的地方 Nowhere 掩口費 Hush money 我敬你的偉大 I drink to your greatness 尤其 not least = in particular = especially 回旋處 turnaround 體罰 corporal punishment 後盾 backstop 媒人 go- between 壽衣 shroud 裹屍布 shroud



Can’t Read - history english quizlet (play multi and choice Thur Morning)

inochi no betsumei 命 いのち 命の別名 Lyrics 石よ樹よ水よ Alias of life inochi no betsumei 命 いのち