siri 主力發音 (en chi) pronounce pronunciation history + erudite

siri 主力發音 (en chi) pronounce pronunciation history + erudite -------------
wisps,( wish p) 小束 一縷 (cirrus, 卷雲)(your name)
(つたない=拙い =)maladroit , (ma la 多 it) (clumsy) 笨拙的
pesters, 糾纏(pet s ter)
thermos, 保溫瓶 (firm mous)
trudge, 沉重地走(trust ch)
male chauvinism, 大男人主意( so 墓 ni 岑)
plucky , ( plug ky )有膽量的
seminal, 開創性的 精液的(sent 民盧)(kindle)

on the wane, 哀落 (went) ( news 李嘉成學校)
soliloquy, 自言自語( soli lone creat)
flutter, 飄揚 (flood ter )(your name kindle)

主發音玩multi en chi

pauperism (paul per sum 貧民) = poverty = poor,貧民 pauperism (paul per sum) dame,男扮的搞笑老太婆 dame pillaging = 掠劫 plunder pillaging pillaging pillaging,掠劫 pillaging 老爺車 jalopy replace old car jalopy jalopy jalopy,老爺車 (jalopy) jalopy subsist 維持生命 on carrion 腐肉 subsist subsist,subsist 維持生命 subsist 維持生命 on carrion 腐肉 carrion carrion,on carrion 腐肉 The book hit the floor with a loud clunk. = dull sound,沉悶聲 thump travail= arduous work = toil 苦工,toil 苦工 he is always cringing to the boss 卑躬屈膝 = - sycophantic 奉承的,奉承的 sycophantic 畏縮 Cringe corroborate replace confirm,證實 corroborate He was very gallant at the ball.他在舞会上对女性大献殷勤。,gallant 大献殷勤 骑士风度volant fox flying = volant foxtrot,volant 飛的 provident fund = prudent 節儉審慎的,公積金 未雨綢繆的 provident tentative smile,羞怯的微笑 tentative hastily = in haste,匆忙地 hastily pommel pommel pommel related saddle,毆打 (马鞍的 鞍头,鞍前桥 2. 刀剑柄上的圆头) pommel orange-flecked 雀斑 carpet,(a little waiting area with padded folding chairs, orange-)flecked 雀斑 (commercial carpet,) unbidden guest = without invite,未經邀請的 unbidden swan song = grand finale,告別演出 swan song (swan) precocious = premature,早熟的 (having developed certain abilities at an earlier age than usual) precocious ("Of course," she said. She dug through a )precariously —stacked (pile of documents),不穩定 precariously potpourri potpourri potpourri(moon) (Columbus) = flower smell,(名citi姓)香草味 (法語 百花香 集錦曲) aioli = garlic mayonnaise,蒜泥蛋黃醬 aioli moratorium,暫停 moratorium disdain (contempted the court) 藐視法庭,disdain (contempted the court) 藐視法庭 hideously 可怕的,hideously 极丑的 hideously 极丑的;可怕的 afraid (that I would never have another chance to be with him like this again),(I was) hideously 极丑的;可怕的 (afraid that I would never have another chance to be with him like this again) (New )iPhone Leak Corroborates (Apple's ) Ugly Design,Corroborates (confirm vt )證實 (- cold raw able rate) contingent 分遣隊,分遣隊 contingent Protectorate 攝政(ivory coast - cocoa ),攝政 Protectorate make a lasting mark (名垂青史 揚名立萬),(make a lasting mark )名垂青史 揚名立萬 Trypophobia is an aversion 密集恐懼症 厭惡,密集恐懼症 厭惡 Luminol test 驗有冇血,驗有冇血 equivocal 模稜兩可的,模稜兩可的 Focal length (aperture) 焦點的焦距(光圈),焦點的焦距 (光圈) I was watching him surreptitiously 偷偷摸摸地. Just as I passed, he suddenly went rigid in his seat.,偷偷摸摸地 pedigree = genealogy 家譜,家譜 meander 閒逛,漫游 ramble wander surreptitious = clandestine = sneaky,偷偷摸摸的 (potent 強大的迅速見效的vasodilators 擴張血管劑 )hawthorn,山楂 vasodilators 血管擴張劑,血管擴張劑 (This in turn led to more) acrimony,尖刻 名詞 jest 俏皮話 (you should know that our teasing was done entirely in jest),俏皮話 (you should know that our teasing was done entirely in jest) (Right after their friend got out of the car, Andy and Jacqueline clasped their hands together and told the driver their next destination: her home.) clasp 緊握,緊握 ( 許志安與黃心穎 手 clasp) coffee granule 顆粒,顆粒 granule It is pertinent 中肯的 to (mention that the EFSA has deemed green tea infusions as safe for the liver),(It is pertinent) 中肯的 (to mention that the EFSA has deemed green tea infusions as safe for the liver)pertinent degenerative,degenerative 退化的、變質的 ( Diabetes is a ?????? disease) degenerative replace deteriorating,退化的、變質的degenerative replace deteriorating evangelists - (The research results come on the occasion of World Liver Day 2018 and may just turn green tea )evangelists (福音傳道者 福音書的作者大寫 astonished),福音傳道者 (福音書的作者大寫 )evangelists sedentary,(a.)久坐的,坐慣的 sedentary clot,凝塊 (not clog) clot clog,障礙 阻塞 (not clot 凝塊) clog sebum 皮脂 (set bum),(sebum )皮脂 (set bum) pincers,鉗子 tongs flailing brandish,拼命揮動(用連枷打) flailing vulture 禿鷹 condor,(vulture )禿鷹 (condor) vulture 禿鷹 (condor),vulture 禿鷹 (condor) His voice was still indignant.,憤怒的 indignant Porcupine is docile,(刺蝟 hedgehog)箭豬 Porcupine is docile hedgehog porcupine,刺蝟 箭豬 hedgehog hedgehog,刺蝟 hedgehog ice cleats( 防滑釘),(ice cleats )防滑釘 cleats lore,特定的知識或傳說 lore chomp(Chomp 大聲咀嚼 on an apple approximately a half hour before a meal),大聲咀嚼 chomp scurry 急跑,疾行.,急跑,疾行. scurry mycology - Brie Larson -mushroom,真菌學 mycology potty mouth = rude language,potty mouth = rude language It takes two to tango, = both or all take responsibility for the bad situation 一只手掌打不响,(not only on one ) 一只手掌打不响 takes two to tango She sat there pouting(拋 亭)撅嘴;板起脸 -她撅着嘴坐在那儿。,撅嘴;板起脸 -她撅着嘴坐在那儿。pouting mellow background music = laid back background music 老練,形容人 時 mellow 是 老練 To have An Axe to grind , have a secret plan 醉翁之意不在酒,醉翁之意不在酒 An Axe to grind (During the three days )preceding 之前 the procession 行列 行進, (the respective yama and hoko are displayed within about a half kilometer of the intersection of Karasuma and Shijo streets ),procession 行列 行進, a major precedes a captain 小校軍階高於上尉 (pre seed),高於 precede(pre seed) morning lark,早起鳥 morning lark mellow,老練的;(人)圓熟的 mellow (taj is doing a perfect job on his own. and i support him. but that's not my role. i'm -Paris Jackson -just tryna get everyone to chill out and go with the flow, be mellow 老練的 圓熟的 and think about the bigger picture. that's me. ) my penchant of picking romantic song,愛好 penchant (...hold audience's attention) with aplomb (法 泰然自若),沉著 ( a plum )(- you will see an engaging and witty orator 演說家 holding his audience's attention with aplomb) with aplomb Bella said dubiously,懷疑地 (do be ous ly) dubiously urbane (- genteel 彬彬有禮的),彬彬有禮的 (polished, genteel )urbane by any stretch of the imagination (不管怎樣想 ),不管怎樣想 (壓根) by any stretch of the imagination (賺大錢)strike gold,奪金 strike gold knack (叻)- have a knack for (有一套),(knack - have a knack for )有一套 knack apparel,衣服( -But, buying new athletic apparel may be a good motivator.) apparel reticent,寡言的 (Angela Merkel red ti 神 ) reticent knapsack,背包. ( 主用過)knapsack sputter phlegm = sputter sputum 噴濺 痰,噴濺 痰 phlegm tamp,填塞 (to drive in or down by a succession of light or medium blows tamp wet concrete)(a tool for tamping) tamp Gastroesophageal reflux,胃酸倒流 Gastroesophageal reflux tonic,使任精神振奮的、滋補的 tonic Anthropologist,人類學家 Anthropologist pejorative term,貶義的 pejorative term Inuit,依努伊特人 Inuit Montage,合併圖 Montage landlubbers,旱鴨子 不會航海的人 landlubbers Histamine,組織胺 Histamine Lithuania,立陶宛 Lithuania armistice,停戰 armistice by virtue of,憑藉 by virtue of so long as,在...期間; 只要 long as Jaded,(The 'don't be a tourist, be a traveller' sentiment is jaded.)厭倦 uninhibited,(She's very )無拘無束的( and is alwaysthe life of the party.) axiom公理,(Bentham defined as the "fundamental) 公理(axe xi om) derogation 減損,(The Terms and Conditions shall be in addition and supplementary to and not in substitution or in derogation )減損 (of Citi Credit Card Agreement) grisly 可怕的,(they hope the grisly )可怕的 (sight of marine life that met an unfortunate end in Hong Kong waters will show visitors how human activity is threatening the these marine creatures.) cantankerous 壞皮氣的,(cantankerous )壞皮氣的 (old woman who insisted that nothing should ever be allowed to change) innocuous 無害的,(He told a few innocuous) 無害的 (jokes.) tousle unkempt 弄亂,(his grandfather would always tousle unkempt) 弄亂 (the boy's neatly combed hair) abhors 厭惡,(abhors )厭惡(the way people leave their trash at the picnic sites in the park) lucid,(lu 涉)神志清晰 soliloquy,自言自語( so loop quote ry) cerulean,蔚藍色的 ( zoo lu o你銀) pious=devout,虔誠的 (price ous) solitude,孤獨 (saw li tude) vignettes,小品文 ( vwhen yet) chalice,聖杯 ( charge less) agrarian,農業的 ( a gray ri 銀) Aubergine,(all but jean) (British) (2:26 )Eggplant 茄子 desiccant,乾燥劑 (desk 實 勤) buttocks buttocks,臀部( butt ticks , butt 力) croutons,麵包糠 (crool 堂) go for the jugular,攻击对方的致命弱点 (just gu lar) jousting,馬術長槍比武( just ting) ante,賭注 pretzel,辣鹽卷餅 cilantro,芫茜 Pornegranate,石榴 Cetaceans,鯨的 (石 ta sea 銀) popsicle,(ice pop )冰棒 none the wiser,瞞過他們 Presbyopia,老花 Crustaceans,甲殼綱動物 liveried,穿制服的 confidant,密友 inebriated,醉的 lackey,走狗 porpoises,海豚 Cetaceans,鯨的 agility,靈活 agility,agility (form volant fox) confidant,閨蜜 bashfully,害羞的 oscillate,掃風 -vacillate 搖動 vertices,頂點 placenta,(umbilical cord)胎盤-臍帶(placentae) comeuppance,罪有應得 - bucolic,牧羊的 prowl,潛行 rout,徹底失敗 protectorate,攝政 the myriad,無數



Can’t Read - history english quizlet (play multi and choice Thur Morning)

inochi no betsumei 命 いのち 命の別名 Lyrics 石よ樹よ水よ Alias of life inochi no betsumei 命 いのち