(en en ) English , explain dictionary sentence English + example (chi)

============== quizlet

en (chi) , en dictionary (chi) lacto-ovo-vegetarian (奶蛋素), is a person who eats vegetables, eggs, and dairy products but does not eat meat.

 Jumping someone elses train, Copying someone elses style, or just agreeing with what they say and believe to fit in.

a hand me down, a possession or item of clothing that is not new but has come from someone who no longer needs it or has outgrown it

decant, to transfer from an original container to a different one

 a pet peeve (惹惱 ), something someone finds particularly annoying or frustrating

 to get the short straw, which describes a person in a group who gets the most unpleasant or difficult outcome in a situation. You can also say to draw the short straw.

to milk it , means to take full advantage of a situation usually to gain sympathy, respect or kindness.

To get 'hot under the collar' , means to become very annoyed or angry about something. (bbc)

tawdry - cheesy 俗的, cheap and gaudy 俗的 in appearance or quality

tatty - cheesy, 俗的 rather worn, frayed, or dilapidated : shabby a tatty shirt

cheesy shabby, cheap a cheesy movie 俗的

sleazy(低級 質地薄的l), acking firmness of texture : flimsy

folly, lack of good sense or normal prudence and foresight 蠢

cirrus, a high wispy 一縷縷 white cloud usuallyof minute ice crystals formed at altitudes between about 20,000 and 40,000 feet (6,000 and 12,000 meters) (卷雲)



bandolier or a bandoleer , a pocketed belt for holding ammunition

psionic, psychic power 

Edward make the face, to move your mouthnose, and eyes in strange ways to show emotion or make people laugh

dawg, used when talking to a male friend
i got 5 on itIt Means to contribute $5.00 to someone who has some good ass weed so they can smoke it too. Usually when one cops the weed they make others who want in put some money down to let them smoke it as well
poke 刺 a few holes, poke 打探 in to private life
devout, committed or devoted 奉獻 to religionor to religious duties or exercises (pious 虔誠的)

stuter , ( to speak with )involuntary disruption ( or blocking of speech as by repetition or prolongation of vocal sounds) 

slosh , to flounder 掙扎 (or splash through water, mud, or slush)(2.踩着水(或泥浆)艰难行走 slosh through the muddy road艰难地走过泥泞的路)

slosh, (The children sloshed )through the big puddle 水坑.(2.踩着水(或泥浆)艰难行走 slosh through the muddy road艰难地走过泥泞的路)

1. understand more the vocab
2. have and learn more vocab by whole English explanation


barking,(to make the sound of a dog, fox etc....)barking up the wrong tree (問和尚借梳)
steed,a high-spirited horse ( mustang- wild horse 野馬)
steed from bible,mustang
opaque 不透明的,impossible to see through; preventing the passage of light
savoir-faire,knowledge of just what to say or do; tact 圓通 得体 處世能力
topsy-turvy 亂七八糟的,topsy-turvy 亂七八糟的session
Incestuous,Incest 亂倫的, 過分親密的 (Incestuous in cent tu ous 亂倫的, 過分親密的)
Speakeasy,Illegal bar that served liquor during Prohibition
afro,bushy hairstyle widely adopted by blacks in America in the 1960s. Created by artificial methods, the style also became popular for whites during the late 60s and early 70s. afro 爆炸頭
Sepsis 敗血症,sixfold 六倍
Fallopian tube,A tube that connects the ovary to the uterus 輸卵管
Stoplight,A traffic light (red, yellow, green) that is a visual signal for keeping vehicles and people safe.
spleen,an outburst of 脾 - 大發雷霆
bewilderment,confusion resulting from failure to understand 困惑
pimples,small elevations on the skin that may contain pus 丘疹
omission,something left out 疏忽 排除 未履行
follicles,specialized structures required for hair growth 毛囊
quell,to subdue, put down forcibly 平息
knock out,make unconscious k. O.
Pull in,Attract
marmalize,Beat (someone) up
unruffled,calm (To be unruffled (un rud ff ed)by sth 對某事處之泰然 )
grueling 拆磨人的工作 job,very tiring, calling for an extreme effort
shoddy goods,of poor quality
diuretic,agent that increases urine output 利尿的 (alcohol is 利尿的)
Whupped,輕易地打敗 Whupped
delirium,精神錯亂 insanity 精神失常
grueling (拆磨人的工作 job),exhausting
resentment,a feeling of deep and bitter anger and ill-will 憤慨
meager,Lacking in quantity or quality (me g)少量的
osmosis,diffusion of water 滲透
reprieve,a temporary relief or delay (re ply v) 緩刑
sumptuous,costly, rich, magnificent 豐盛的
pore,tiny opening on the surface of the skin 毛孔
complexion,texture and color of the skin of the face
Lackey,One who does lowly jobs for another; one who follows all orders without questioning them 走狗 手下
Chasm,cleft 劈開 裂縫
Travesty of the facts,An absurd or inferior imitation
Soiree,an evening party or celebration 盛會
rear,to raise children 飼養
Nightshade,Poisonous plant 茄類
Clinch,To (Secure )a deal 達成交易
lactose,glucose 乳糖
tract,解管 (消化)道 gastrointestinal
Nutmeg,肉豆蔻粉 an aromatic seed produced by an evergreen tree (Myristica fragrans of the family Myristicaceae, the nutmeg family) native to the Moluccas; also : the ground seed used as a spice
Turmeric,an indian perennial 長期的 (反覆出現) herb 姜黃根粉
Sauerkraut,is cabbage allowed to ferment until sour. 泡菜
Laxative,Weak cathartic 輕瀉
brine,salty water
Delirious,Extreme mental confusion or excitement (de Larry ious) talk 精神錯亂的
Weenie,(The chief executive of Hong Kong should be ) as tough as old boots (instead of being a coward 懦夫)
unpasteurized milk,sauerkraut
(unpasteurized ) sauerkraut,shredded cabbage fermented in brine 泡菜
Innuendo,A hint, indirect suggestion, or reference 影射
oscillated,to swing backward and forward like a pendulum 掃風 - not vacillate
legumes,Plants with seed pods 豆科植物
lanyard,rope or line 繩索
renal failure,Dialysis
Precipitate,A solid that forms from a solution during a chemical reaction. 沉澱 促成
broached,to break the surface from below point :the whale 鑽出 引入
scrap heap,a pile of old, unwanted things, especially pieces of metal 廢物堆
mulls over,Government mulls levy, rebates for plastic bottles 仔細考慮
Dialysis,Process for removing waste from the blood for people with renal failure 洗腎
Broach,To bring up a subject for discussion 引入 鑽出
the Midas touch,點石成金 was a legendary king of Phrygia (in modern-day Turkey)
abraded,manacles 鐐銬 磨損
Pacifist,The group is joined by 和平主義者photojournalist Mason Weaver
physician,a medical doctor
Is more than enough,30 minuets is enough 綽綽有餘 for most appointments
Duress,Compulsion by threat (under duress 脅迫)
lounge around,The Taiwanese singer Jam Hsiao (蕭敬騰) be lazy, waste our time, do nothing 閑逛 his house in the video.
facilitate,to make easier; to assist 促進
lesion,a pathologic 疾病的 change of the tissues due to disease or injury 損傷
repulsed,He looks 反感 nauseated 使厭惡
succinct,brief, concise 簡潔的
Chagrin,With 懊惱 Embarrassment,Bella realized the probable cause
Delicatessen (de li cut Test 神),A store selling prepared foods 熟食店
stroke,Mom is still caress 撫摸 my hair
out and about,Other people do like to get a excursion 㚈出走動
Wobble,shake her so her head To move unsteadily from side to side 搖晃 all over,
sheepishly,I waved 難為情地 bashfully at my friends,
vacillate,to waver; to sway indecisively - not oscillated
Pull-out,A shot in which the camera moves away from the subject, widening the view. 活頁 撤出
Camisole,吊帶睡衣 背心女內衣 pajama
unpasteurized sauerkraut,shredded cabbage fermented in brine 泡菜
Mash,To squash food with a fork, spoon, or masher
Favelas,other side of the tracks 貧民窟 / slum
Mnemonic,Assisting memory
evocative,Hadley was reminiscent 喚起記憶 of Agnes
Favelas,Large slums around Brazilian cities
legumes,Plants with seed pods
succinct,brief, concise 簡潔的
Chaperone,a person who accompanies younger people to see that they behave properly.
Midas touch,the ability to make money in any activity 點石成金
Turbine,Provides mechanical kinetic energy to the generator.
eloquent and expressive,Vincent's letters are 雄辯的 全神表意的
Infatuated,Hemingway became Intensely fond 痴迷的 with Hadly
Staggering,使人難以至信 蹣跚
Gaffe,A clumsy social error; a faux pas 出醜
succubus,a female demon believed to have sexual intercourse with sleeping men 魔女
refine sugar is a zero magnesium products,to make more pure or precise 提煉
Chloride spray,氯化物
manacles,鐐銬 abraded 磨損
Conned,Police say they have smashed what they described as a "highly-organised crime syndicate" that had tricked 欺騙 online sellers out of more than HK$7mn and was involved in a robbery and a 'furious driving' case.
To garble,斷章取義 - to introduce textual error into (a message) by inaccurate encipherment加密, transmission 傳送, or decipherment 解密
impunity,she mistakenly believed that she could insult people with Freedom from punishment 免於處罰
Crash out,Some people just need to 快速入睡have a nap
Skank,Trashshy tacky unhygienic person (chief:ly applied tu females)
Impunity,Freedom from punishment 免於處罰
obstinately,in a stubborn unregenerate manner
garish (adj),俗艷的 clothed in vivid colors a garish clown flamboyant
rugged,(adj.) rough, irregular; severe, stern; strong; stormy
medevac,a helicopter for transporting wounded people 空運後送
Wack,inferior 差的 / eccentric person 怪人
Hiss,sound like that made by a snake
Caper,To leap or prance 騰跳about in a playful manner 嬉戲
precocious,talented beyond one's age , premature
Braille,a system of writing that uses raised dots which are read by the fingertips of a blind person
epilogue (noun),short concluding section in a literary work
prance,to walk with a lofty proud gait, often in an attempt to impress others 騰跳
obstinately,I 頑固地 stubbornly held on to our argument;
reversal,The point at which the action of the plot turns in an unexpected direction for the protagonist. 顛倒 背離
Setback,Failure, reversal 挫折
Jumble,Bella tuned him out to consider the 胡亂的一堆 of inexplicable images churning chaotically in my head
Strode,to walk with long steps
aerosol,Airport rules state that all liquids, gels, spray can 噴霧劑in cabin baggage must be carried in containers with a capacity not greater than 100ml.
Flinch,hesitate; shrin
draw back, as with fear or pain;
Recoil 畏縮
conundrum (n),a riddle or puzzle, esp. one without a solution
esoteric (adj),intended for or understood by a small, specific group, conundrum 深奧的
propagate (v),multiply; spread 繁殖
Snub,China and Burkina Faso establish ties following Taiwan treated with contempt or neglect 冷落
squib,a short and witty or sarcastic saying or writing. 小爆竹
Parochial,derogatory 貶低他人的 ( narrow-minded) - voters worried about their own narrow minded 偏狹的 concerns (po road key 傲)
Shoplifter,A person who steals something from a shop or store, pretending to shop for goods. 店舖扒手
Broach,But mike didn't bring up 引入 (whale 鑽出)the subject until Bella was in her seat
Tote,Carry with difficulty 携帶
Converge on,Beginning To come together 會合on bella
A row over,Argument
mustang,wild horse
emulate (v),to imitate 仿效
Outstripped inflation,To get ahead of, do better then, exceed 超過
providentially,opportune, fortunate, or lucky 天意的 幸運的
Crash out,Fall asleep. 快速入睡
Pulp,The tissue that contains the blood vessels and nerves of a tooth, Flesh 果肉
fetch,to go after and bring back (someone or something)
pristine,Original 全新的 原始的 unspoiled
Reprise,A repetition or further performance of something 重演
globular,spherical 球狀的
delousing,to get rid of lice 虱
It is very cheap ( Cantonese experience),That is not noble
Deport,Expel 驅逐出境
Jumble,mix in a confused way 胡亂堆放
travail,work, especially arduous (艱苦的)work (艱苦勞動 名詞)
groaning,A 吱嘎声 metallic thud hurt my ears,
Wedge,A device that is thick at one end and tapers to a thin edge at the other end.
Defiantly,In a rebellious manner 反抗地
Rigor mortis,Temporary rigidity of muscles occurring after death
swan song (n),farewell appearance; final creative work or performance (告別演出 in the role of Wolverine)
in earnest,seriously
bedlam,(n.) a state or scene of uproar and confusion
Swat a fly,To smack
Scud,to run or move quickly or hurriedly 疾走
inopportune,coming at a bad time; not appropriate ,early, premature, unseasonable, untimely, precocious 過早的 不適時的
fellation,oral stimulation of male genitals 吹簫
unregenerate,making no attempt to change one's bad practices 不悔改的
Pore,Tiny opening on the surface of the skin 毛孔
protagonist,main character
accretion,growth in size or increase in amount 衝擊 沖積層 堆積物
pomegranate,large globular fruit having many seeds with juicy red pulp in a tough brownish-red rind 石榴
Smugly (adv),Offensively satisfied with oneself or with one's situation 沾沾自喜地
Flare,brief blaze of light, signal light; outbreak (火光)(a pair of 喇叭褲)
Clench,Squeeze together tightly 握緊
lofty (adj),very high; noble 貴族的 崇高的
Supple,Bending easily
grasp,hold firmly
staggered,walked very unsteadily 蹣跚
Pubic,Genital region
jersey,a shirt that is pulled over the head, made of a soft, knitted cloth
Taper,Gradual diminution of width or thickness in an elongated 使變長object. 動詞漸變狹
Sneer,a facial expression of contempt or scorn
drawbacks,problems or disadvantages 缺點
Freeloader,a person who takes advantage of others' generosity without giving anything in return
spoilt,children who behave badly because they are given everything they want
bile,a digestive juice secreted by the liver and stored in the gallbladder
Precocious,Exceptionally early in development or occurrence
Swat,Special weapons and tactical team 拍
phad thai,Thailand noodles 金邊粉
Escargot,A dish of cooked snails
Covert,hidden; undercover
her unyielding obduracy,stubbornness 頑固
shuddering,Shivering violently (機器)震動
placid,peace 平和的
Photons,A quantum, or discrete quantity, of light energy that behaves as if it were a particle.
placid,serene (ser win 平靜的
Uphold,To maintain or support
fascia,sheet, band display 儀表板
Fag,British slang for a cigarette
spawn,lay eggs
Pantomime (n),the art or technique of conveying emotions or actions by gestures without speech
excruciation,extremely painful
Bellow,to yell very loudly; to shout
swan song,final or last 告別演出
extremity,the furthest point or limit of something
Thigh,Femoral 股骨的
A Jaunt,A short excursion or journey for pleasure
Pall,Something that covers or conceals
pristine,fresh and clean; uncorrupted 未觸動過的 原始的
Rind,Thick and firm outer coat or covering 外皮
Venture,A risky or daring undertaking
On edge,Nervous
shatter,to break into many pieces, Tired
Askew,(adj., adv.) twisted to one side, crooked; disapprovingly 歪斜的
Ratchet,Locking mechanism found on the handles of many surgical instruments
Barbs (n),An openly unpleasant remark
Prelude,An introduction; that which comes before or leads off
Brisbane, AU,BNE
Pubic,Genital region
Cephaly,Condition of the head
Appendicular,Appendix 籣尾 付錄 Appendicular
solemnly,in a grave and sedate manner 鄭重地
Allay (verb),Diminish or put at rest
perceptive (adj),discerning; observant; sensitive 反應敏銳的
severance pay,a sum of money for which an employee is eligible upon termination 遺散費
Covet,To desire something belonging to another
Gulp,a large and hurried swallow
inexorable (adj),impossible to stop or prevent
Funicular,relating to or operated by a cable
articulate (adj),able to speak clearly and expressively
arborist,someone who works with trees
swanky (adj),stylishly luxurious and expensive
nonchalantly (adv),in a composed and unconcerned manner
lithe,Bella watched amazed at her flexible supple 柔韌的 dancer's step
sprawl,to lie thrashing / to creep or clamber awkwardly 蔓生
literary,having to do with letters or literature 文學的
repulsive (adj),disgusting; tending to drive off; offensive 令人厭惡的
Placid,Calm, peaceful
Magnolia,Kind of tree with large flowers 木蘭
Schismatic,One who divides unified groups, often the church or politics
vulva, or external genitalia,two pairs of lips (labia majora and labia minora) that surround the vagina
Muskmelon,a type of melon similar to a cantaloupe
distal phalange,appendicular finger movement upper extremity
Toxins,poisonous or harmful substances 毒素



Can’t Read - history english quizlet (play multi and choice Thur Morning)

inochi no betsumei 命 いのち 命の別名 Lyrics 石よ樹よ水よ Alias of life inochi no betsumei 命 いのち