中英 all one by one
中英 all one by one —————
一味接受,take what you get
唔好扮可憐 唔好博人同情, don’t milk it
焚琴煮鶴 = 牛嚼牡丹,wantonly 嬉鬧地destroy beautiful thing =a big waste
牛嚼牡丹 = 焚琴煮鶴, ox chew peony = a big waste = wantonly 嬉鬧地destroy beautiful thing
牡丹, peony(牛嚼牡丹 = 焚琴煮鶴, ox chew peony = a big waste )
嬉鬧地 淫亂地, (放肆地)wantonly(焚琴煮鶴 = 牛嚼牡丹,wantonly 嬉鬧地destroy beautiful thing )
機頂盒,set top box
馬後炮,benefits of hindsight
馬後炮,benefits of hindsight
農業社會,agrarian society
晴天霹靂,bolt from the blue
偷工減料,cut corner
因小失大,penny wise pound foolish
及時行樂,Carpe diem(car play dear)
花巧的, brassy
一笑置之, Just Grin and bear = laugh off
節目主持人,presenters ( news)
盲目,indiscriminate (news)
有殺錯無放過, without missing a beat (節拍)(your name)
唔係化, no way
有殺錯無放過, without missing a beat (節拍)(your name)
讚自己, pat themselves on the back
打爆你嘅前列腺, i am gonna break your prostate
抑揚頓挫, cadence (k 等 s)
致命一擊,Final nail in the coffin
朦朧的, murky
親力親為,do by one’s own efforts / hands on
不手下留情,pull no punch
無論如何,By all accounts,
留意潮流 個個人都知, get the memo
突飛猛進,Ieaps and bounds
闖出名堂, make a mark
名垂青史, make a lasting mark
揚名立萬, make a lasting mark
花言巧語 , sugar the pill
多管閒事,to have a finger in every pie
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終其一生 live out my day 過度餘生(it is lovely that we sacrifice myself to Jesus over the course of my lives) Over the course of their lives
早就不 Way past
勝任 earn his wings
拖延佢 Stall it
絕對是 By all mean
早就不必人批准 I am way past asking permission
(或 face)[英国口语] 奚落;打击- 開玩笑(hamun is wores being that tend to give others ) a smack in the eye - banter
她對我失去吸引力 My ex-wife pall on me
插贓嫁禍 They have done the false flag
我沒有對策了 (s dump)(i cannot think another way)(my head is hitting the wall) I am stumped
不吝嗇(when i am travelling) i am generous with money to my myself
我一點也不介意 I don't mind in the least
Use it in the fullest 充分利用(you should you should get the most out of smartphone utility nowaday
排除萬難(i beat the odd to make my english skill most headway) Beat the odd
你女兒真懂事( 開明的) enlightened an enlightened kid you got there
表現失常 (走音) Fall flat
Literally, to fit together (with another piece through the )use of a dovetail joint. dovetail with something
意料中事 is... is par of course
之後才談 Put a pin in this
近在咫尺 (in arm's length) On its doorstep
好cheap ,is.... Is not noble
魔女 succubus
我看你不像雇傭兵 (You don't) strike me as a mercenary
她極其無知 (lack of knowledge, to) She is pig ignorant
萬無一失的 Unerring
不遺餘力地 Synonyms bighearted (done his bit 盡一己之力) Unstintingly
not at all 絕不 It is By no means unsafe to sail
鬆了一口氣 Breathe a sigh of relief
努力 試圖 In a bid to
頓悟 Dawn on somebody
really involved get your hand dirty
未雨綢繆 save for a rainy day
難以至信 begger belief
撥亂反正 restore order
神魂顛倒 Sweep you off your feet
旗開得勝 got off to a flying start
米已成炊 fait accompli
確切地說 To be exact
花絮 vignette
燥鬱的 Bipolar Bipolar Bipolar Bipolar
神經質的 basket-case basket-case 神經質的 basket-case basket-case
自負地談論 ,宗教職務 To Pontificate about something
喪盡天良 commit abomination
大吼 (bell low) he bellowed
使某事物可信 To lend credence to something
長腳蟹 Red king crab
吊雞車 Boom-truck
起皺紋 corrugate box 起皺紋
不成比例地 disproportionately 不成比例地
夫妻間的 conjugal
有蚊產卵指數 Ovitrap index
淮山 yam
促進 facilitate
添加 tack on
露出一點 Peek out
絕不 by no means
當然一定 By all means
犯了不該犯的錯 drop the ball
請明確點 you need to be more explicit
請明確點 sound vague though , can you elaborate a bit
不論多久 however long it takes
似乎幾會微 It would be less likely to
analogy 比喻goes As the baseball analogy goes
難以至信 beggar belief
不能回頭 point of no return
服侍得無微不至 wait on somebody hand and foot
隨便你 suit yourself
比某人腦袋靈光 run laps around somebody
感到榮幸 to be flattered
稀鬆平常的一天 just another day
小跑起來 To break into a trot
忙忙碌碌 To be on the trot
形成中 in the making in the making
讓某人忙個不停 to keep somebody on the trot
接二連三地 On the trot
以疾步小跑開始 To start off at a brisk trot
接手(鬆弛部份)未完成的工作 pick up the slack
不作回應 sit on it hands
神魂顛倒 Sweep you off your feet
至於 As for
到處,廣泛地 Far and wide
(I would use it) 充份地 to the fullest
我忘了 It slipped my mind
已成定局 The die is cast
老實說,(I was a bit overwhelmed when i first walked around Istanbul) Truth be told
(Istanbul is a great city for sightseeing and is also )享有。。。,有幸得到 (excellent food) Is blessed with
為成敗關鍵 make or break
防患未然 (solve problem become bigger) Nipped in the bud
只講沒有行動 Are you all mouth, no trousers?
除了... 之外 on top of
不幸中的大幸是 Merciful case is
禍不單行 It never rains but it pours
如此類推 so forth and so on
確切地說 to be exact
為了悼念my late father as a tribute to
顯示出(某人的技藝 ) is a tribute to his skill
(ritual that a moment to )評估 take stock
未雨綢繆 Save for a rainy day
加入討論 weigh in
權衡 weigh up
寧死不屈 i would rather dead than yield
終有出頭天 has the last laugh
用一種衡量標準來看 By one measure
(chickens come home to roost) 自作自受 a taste of his own medicine
為吻合這 We can ratchet up education allowance Dovetailing into that
放棄 Throw into the towel
表面上地 Around the edge
他自作自受 chicken come home to roost
毫不妥協 pull no punches
有多大程度 to what extent
不讓這阻礙他(Is determined Not to Let that) hold her back
日復一日 day after day
As Germany 冒怒氣 claims that US intelligence listened in on Chancellor Angela Merkel's cell-phone conversations, a strangely worded White House statement is only adding fuel to the fire. fumes over
日復一日day in.. day in and day out
vantage 有利 优势 急忙離開 hightail
重大改變 sea change
重大重組 shake up
讓步 Refusing to budge
全面修訂 overhaul
海膽 sea urchin
蘭花 orchids
勝任 earn his wings
排除萬難 beat the odds
全年 Year round
面對挑戰 rise to occasion
當紅 has a moment
格格不入 out of my element
旗開得勝 got off to a flying start
austerity may also 擊敗 獲勝 of another government claim the scalp
A gift horse is a horse that was a gift, quite simply. When given a horse, it would be bad manners to inspect the horse's mouth to see if it has bad teeth. don't Look a gift horse in the mouth
, theSecretary for Security replied just that and clearly regarded the motion as answered. 果然不出所料(恰巧),保安司當時的答覆正 是如此,並清楚視為經予回答了有關動議。 Right on cue
假設性問題 Hypothetical question
請說出來 please fill me in
請不要敷衍我 please don't give me runaround
請不要引我 please don't keep me in suspended
做對有利某人的事 ,迎合上,正中下懷 play into the hands of somebody
keep something under your hat to sweep something under the rug
別有用心的 An ulterior motive
惡性循環 Vicious circle
進行中 In the pipeline
變弱 Tailed off
一有機會 Gets half of chance
熱情參與幫助 To Pitch in with
In a row 連續 consecutive Back to back
反傳統 buck the trend
再次面對任務 pop my head back to
私下說的 off the record
效法 take a cue from
起作用 is in play
一定要成功 make it count
話雖如此 but all the said having said that
突然成名 Burst onto the scene
提高標準 raise the bar
一直...... all the while
同時 all the while
恰巧 Right on cue
他經歷了他人生最精彩的一段(David Bowie ) had the ride of his life
退出 Bow out
盡一己之力 Done his bit
搶先看 Sneak preview
日以繼夜 around the clock
Zip the lips To sweep something under the rug
另有所指 心照不宣 A wink and a nod
適用 有效 Hold true
So, it 適用 有效 for soldiers Holds true
尽管如此 Even so
氣得失去理智 go off the deep end
意志消沈 down in the dumps
險惡的 緊迫的 is pretty dire
另一方面 (負面) on the flip side
介入爭斗 to join the fray
冒險 stick one's neck out
Holy Spirit
抑揚頓挫 cadence
朦朧的 murky
親力親為 do by one's own efforts / hands on
不手下留情 pull no punch
無論如何 By all accounts,
留意潮流 個個人都知 get the memo
突飛猛進 Ieaps and bounds
闖出名堂 make a mark
名垂青史 make a lasting mark
揚名立萬 make a lasting mark
花言巧語 sugar the pill
多管閒事 to have a finger in every pie