
目前顯示的是 2015的文章

Englishtown 大澳行山日

(Englishtown)22/11(日)大澳行山日;集合時間及地點:10am;東涌港鐵站A出口。 we started from here seizure  - 抽筋 沒收 發作 today once moment walked with Shelby, that time i was really Tsukaremashita 疲れました。and i express my feeling. i want to use "convulsing", demo she corrected me and said cramp 抽筋. seizure on YouTube http://youtu.be/MRZY2a2jnuw while i talked to Edwin, i note her she was not impressed by Japanese very much. She said Japanese people repressed. She like person which is more straightforward. while i saw Euwina stop to take a photo, I followed her and took this photo exotic Nick taught/ actual is "recall" four words mirage (務 哇) migraines (mind grains ) immigrants 外來移民 migrant 移民 old,but not obsolete 廢柴的過時的 nick said not obsolete mind still functional out of sight, out of mind after 4 hrs walking, we were hungry. waitress cleared our table, Shelby sat next to me, i suddenly saw the waitress find some dirty food surplus on the bowl, dakara she g...

日式大阪燒 okonomiyaki Englishtown)20/11(五)

Yakitori 焼き鳥 やきとり 時間及地點:7.30pm;Cakeaway-觀塘駿業里10號業運工業大廈2樓A1 。 Gooey - rich and sticky Scallion  Tonight I find many words I hard to speak out, although some I can remember some. ( for instance, sprinkle, garnish 加上裝飾菜 )But seem like I took my time I figured out how express myself. I think I need more practice. Tonight one important words is ladle長柄勺。   Long time ago, B taught me what is spatula (wok 鑊)鏟 While Renee talked to me, I act snow and lack of reaction. Maybe I am tried knackered as well.  Dakara can I say smear (s mei抺) He is a new teacher Robert. He came from England


(Englishtown)11/11(三)壁球運動;時間及地點:7.30pm;通州街公園壁球場-九龍深水埗通州街 (3及4號場)。 Today played squash with Jims, He teaches me "chronic illnesses


(Englishtown)8/11(日)幕後大作戰;集合時間及地點:11am;旺角英語服務中心-彌敦道664號惠豐中心6樓。 學員請帶備有拍攝功能的智能電話及相關電腦連接線(USB線)一條。  Cinephile  A new vocabulary on the handout - cinephile 聯想英文為: flick Flick 輕彈 give cigarettes a flick to knock off the ash  電影 chick flick 女子看的戲) Duck down a bit While we filming our movie, teacher Robert said to my classmates "Duck down a bit 蹲低一點" when she was acting. Late father While I talked to Kris, which kufu actor he like the most?i said mine is Jet LI, and Kris said Jet Li has thyroid gland problems, and said my (deceased 亡故的 )father also had ,and teach me more common way to say " late father " Props 道具 Although each group got their 300 HK dollars, I remember we didn't buy any props.  Tactical 短程的 nuke Nuke - I have to play a lot of line for my character. Originally, I misunderstand the meaning of tactical, after I check with Robert, I get the idea similar to 導彈, and here I look into dictionary: 策略的 戰術彈道飛彈 tactical ballistic missile Finally, we got the first ...


Nick reminds me " explicit 露骨的 text message " We have shuttle bus first  on the handout this a new vocabulary  propane 丙烷 is 石油氣樽

Zorbs - bubble soccer

today きょ 今日 kyo - Englishtown event began late at 4 pm.  Dakara だから so , morning i make my room a bit tidy 整潔的 again. Setting up how to let my iPhone screen keeping on. later on, i go to 牛頭角 While the last day of Alex which i can see him, i treated him a drink. He taught a word of this game called Zorb . Our team form a name scared bubble with teacher Khan and one classmates. finally, we loosed, demo でも but do good exercise 

How to let iphone 6 screen keeping wake up

Really happy I finally pull off 完成(困難的事)  iphone screen keeping on with important function showing on such as clock , calender ...etc. First open the nightstand app Then pull down the Notification center which pre install the app you like.


today i had a good chat with Denial along with event. he also had a plan going to Japan, Osaka and Kyoto. Today Alex reveal 揭露 (not revel 狂歡 )he is leaving Englishtown, then i talked to Julia, said Many teachers leaving, tell me if u were leaving. today i learnt mooning = showing you butt. And  marijuana 大麻 Mooning:that only can be found on urban dictionary. That words was taught by Alex while I was talking about " moonlight = verb 賺外快

Grass Island Hong Kong 塔門

Today learnt Frisbee (Rachel) Wasp 黃蜂 Coil 卷 (telephone line) Hitchhike  (Vincent) Mole 痣 In the morning I was taking 96R to Wong Shek pier. While I arrived the diamond hill terminal, Rachel was there, I was joining her and sat together. Knowing she is leaving Englishtown for working holiday, I bless her secretly. We came across traffic jam and arrived half hour late but we somehow make it up for ferry. today, we hop off the bus, I greeted to a new teacher Shelby who has prepared today handout. She is a abc, a tall, young girl who has been in HK 3 years already, compared with Canada where she was,she didn't mention too much different between 2 places. We paid 14 dollars for ferry fee. Not more than 20 mins even drop by 高流灣,we arrived Grass Island Rachel and I got a trolley to push all the lunch box over the top of mountain. I convinced her to had lunch under the pavilion. Under the shade, we had our lunch box immediately. With cows, wasps and cow defecate, we were dodging having o...

uneventful weekend

today lifeclub event is summer party , so l didnt join and pretty uneventful today. demo bothering me is my Eczema, on coming wednesday will have appointment with skin doctor brought a cup for usage in office and today joined itune 48 monthly plan, song are exciting included Akine new album

how to write

evernote : My writing reminder : writing - blogger account for 佔有。。。。的比例  its just as well that....幸好 /  luckily fortunately 

Kindle and Interstellar

I am very enthusiastic with sci-fi movie. For example: Interstellar. (星際的) Because the Universal make me think of God. I still remember that Bible even say that The Earth is hung with nothing at the ancient time. Now a days, we are not doubling about our Earth is hung with nothing.Kind of Pormetheus, Gravity....etc. Movie (I mean Universal) that really give more credence 相信, 憑 証 to let us know about genesis 起源 of world (Genesis 創世記). It is larger-than-life 意義非凡的 that I can live out my days度過餘生  with happiness everyday although I got nothing in my recent life. Because those evidence tell us our savior  救主   will come back with rainbow cloud to save us and give us eternal life. And will see my father over there. So, Jesus, pls save my family. While I was watching Interstellar, suddenly come across with a idea that whether Kindle has the book or not. After search it. Got it. I can't help to download it at the drop of a hat. 立即. My Kindle give me a great motivation fo...

More times than not 經常,更多時間

I f you ask me how often shark attack swimmers in Hong Kong, I would say it was more times than not. Blogging 

Google drive, Evernote and IFTTT ( IF Apps)

Google drive, Evernote and IFTTT ( IF Apps) I have checked Google drive and Evernote that they can be searched by text contents ( n plural 內容。有別於 verb 的使滿意) with the pictures. It is really important for me as I keep learning English by some magazine. The apps help me to recall any words which I learnt before.  Evernote become my daily life because it have it's desktop offline software to black that up all my important data. That's why I make all my database to synchronize to Evernote. It take me a long time to find the solution to convert data between difference apps. Finally it come up with: IFTTT by apps called " IF".   Just like this Blog, I set as following: As mentioned that when a blogger post, it will automatically copy to Evernote. So all my blogger can keep by myself and without worry of miss out. Next: Everword 

Laid-back way to exercise

Knowing that have regular exercise is really do me good. But as per experience, even doing the 7 mins workout daily is a burden 重擔 for me. So I want to make my exercise daily life versatile 多用途的. While cycling, I will ask Siri to play playlist "Group English Song" while cycling at dim 昏暗的 (dime 美國幣值)daylight ( Sunny day cannot do that), and turn on Musixmatch to learn the lyrics simultaneously 同時地. ( spontaneously 自發地)( copied from Wunderlist to Blogger ) I should tend v 傾向 to cycle in moderate 中等的 speed to enjoy breeze and music. Music is a motivated 有動機的 course to boost frequent exercise.

You have 3 chats waiting in Evernote!

You have 3 chats waiting in Evernote People want to chat with you. Click the ...

My Songs which are make me compatible 我有共鳴的歌詞

霧裡看花 歌詞 容祖兒 ※ Mojim.com 魔鏡歌詞網 mojim.com 作詞:施人誠 作曲:陳小霞 編曲:徐千秀 有人心疼說我委屈了點 也有人笑我一定是瞎了眼 但愛不愛你是我自己的人生 我管別人能不能了解 你有哪些不好早就察覺 但那又怎樣難道我就完美 我要的是你讓我著迷的那些 其他我都能視而不見 睜著眼睛親吻哪能沉醉 愛像霧裡看花朦朧才美 不夠盲目就不能淪陷 理智在愛情裡面從來就不是關鍵 睜著眼睛擁抱能感動誰 愛要霧裡看花才看真切 不夠愚昧就沒得回味 曾經在愛情裡面 獲得有多麼 熱烈 有人心疼說我委屈了點 也有人笑我一定是瞎了眼 但愛不愛你是我自己的人生 我管別人能不能了解 你有哪些不好早就察覺 更多更詳盡歌詞 在  ※ Mojim.com 魔鏡歌詞網 但那又怎樣難道我就完美 我要的是你讓我著迷的那些 其他我都能視而不見 睜著眼睛親吻哪能沉醉 愛像霧裡看花朦朧才美 不夠盲目就不能淪陷 理智在愛情裡面從來就不是關鍵 睜著眼睛擁抱能感動誰 愛要霧裡看花才看真切 不夠愚昧就沒得回味 曾經在愛情裡面 獲得有多麼 熱烈 你是有好多缺點 夠我痛快地埋怨 但有你在我身邊 我就什麼都不缺 睜著眼睛親吻哪能沉醉 愛像霧裡看花朦朧才美 不夠盲目就不能淪陷 理智在愛情裡面從來就不是關鍵 睜著眼睛擁抱能感動誰 愛要霧裡看花才看真切 不夠愚昧就沒得回味 曾經在愛情裡面 獲得有多麼 熱烈 [00:00.00]容祖兒-霧裡看花 [00:03.11]詞:施人誠 曲:陳小霞 [00:11.18]微博:weibo.com/shebeyonds [00:17.10]有人心疼說我委屈了點 [00:21.35]也有人笑我一定是瞎了眼 [00:25.74]但愛不愛你是我自己的人生 [00:29.43]我管別人能不能了解 [00:34.13]你有哪些不好早就察覺 [00:38.49]但那又怎樣難道我就完美 [00:42.55]我要的是你讓我著迷的那些 [00:46.56]其他我都能視而不見 [00:50.62]睜著眼睛親吻哪能沉醉 [00:54.71]愛像霧裡看花朦朧才美 [00:59.04]不夠盲目就不能淪陷 [01:03.35]理智在愛情裡面從來就不是關鍵 [01:07.81]睜著眼睛擁抱能感動誰 [01:11.88]愛要霧裡看花才看真切 [01:16.36]不夠愚昧就沒得回味 [0...

成功把 Blogger 轉到 Evernote

只要用上 Apps: IF, 加上少許的設定,就能把我的 blog 自動的 copy到我的Evernote 上。哈哈!

Alhazen 海什木

你有沒有想過為何阿拉數字應用在全世界呢?為何很多英文字的開頭是以Al 開頭呢?(例如:Alchemy 煉金術) 這都拜海什木 Alhazen 所𧶽。他其中一項著的成就是光學的了解 optics

Jolt 震 ( Write in rough )

Jolt 震 ( Write in rough ) Hope and creative are the name of the game of 關鍵 my midnight crisis 中年危機 Just let coffee to give me jolt 震 constantly and don't let fatigue conquer / consume our life.

Lyrics 歌詞

中文歌 All By Myself - lyrics 中英對照

Homemade - Olive oil with garlic, red chili and thyme 百里香

Slice garlic to small dice and cut chili to strips Fire all of chili, little bit garlic and little bit thyme in a dry pan first Until it done, add olive oil as much as you want to store, and turn the fire smaller. Add all the rest of garlic Cooking it use a small fire Add table salt, Add sugar Add vinager Cook it until garlic turn golden color  Turn off fire Mix it some raw garlic  Pull into containers. Done Mix raw garlic in the olive oil  Since the oil is salty and chili, you can dip you bread as for your breakfast.

All By Myself - lyrics 中英對照

When I was young 當我年輕時 I never needed anyone 我誰也不需要 and making love was just for fun 親熱只是玩玩而已 Those days are gone 那些年少輕狂的日子已不再 Living alone 獨自生活 I think of all the friends I've known 我想念所有認識的朋友 But when I dial the telephone 但當我撥了電話 Nobody's home 卻都沒人在家 All by myself 獨自一人 Don't wanna be, all by myself anymore 不想再孤獨一人 All by myself 獨自一人 Don't wanna live, all by myself anymore 不想再獨自生活 Hard to be sure,  難以置信 Sometimes I feel so insecure 有時我有種不安全感 And love so distant and obscure 愛是那麼的虛無飄渺 Remains the cure 但愛情卻又是唯一的解藥

Listening to the electronic dictionary's vocab while you're taking shower:

The way learning English: Listening to the electronic dictionary's vocab while you're taking shower:

Musixmatch - Music player with Lyrics

Finally, found a app what can show the online lyrics while playing English songs on your iPhone. It is Musixmatch, Today brought songs from itune "" Count on Me ""just only HKD 6 and ""Glory"" HKD 8. In the meantime playing it by Musixmatch, perfectly sync with the lyrics. Even Chinese and Mandarin can shiw the lyrics as well

My working office - Library

Strongly suggest that if you are just started your business, you should control your expenditure. Keep far away from the lairy (man drunk and shouting 大喊), crowded Starbucks, sort of cafe, in Hong Kong. In the meantime, you don't want to get quarrel 爭吵 with voracious 貪婪的  hogging ( monopolize 霸佔)our 同胞 compatriot mainlanders. 

What's the purpose of the blog: Joeweb Salon

Life is full of up and down and full of hostile to us, time flies faster than we expected that you can't catch it and get return it. You always want to use out 7 - 24. But you will get tired, you will face unexpected things, you lose you time in unexpected way and obstacles that you can not get return. Here, I want to keep my memories and jot down any wise suggestions.  Just like the original meaning of the Salon, we hope that we can  share our wisdom here through this 中英對照 website. Since the meaning of the word : Salon as following:  A  salon  is a gathering of people under the roof of an inspiring host, held partly to amuse  one another and partly to  r efine  the taste and increase the knowledge of the participants through conversation. I always want to rent a place, just like a place in the industrial building, a bit decorations, and make it sort of cafe, you can enjoy coffee in the meanwhile organizes kind gathering, chatting, mingling......

Start with 人面網

2015 Mar 17 First time draw 2 pictures in the meantime. Started 人面網 about one month. 5 Mar 2015.

New idea I learn English

This page will suggest ways for learning English. Finally, found a app what can show the online lyrics while playing English songs on your iPhone. It is Musixmatch, http://joewebsalon.blogspot.hk/2015/03/listening-to-electronic-dictionarys.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGyOPfY5h34&feature=youtu.be The way to memorize vocabulary while you're taking a shower. Here is my way to use my limited time wisely while I am taking a shower. I hope I can give you some idea for it. YOUTUBE.COM