A new vocabulary on the handout - cinephile
聯想英文為: flick
Flick 輕彈 give cigarettes a flick to knock off the ash
電影 chick flick 女子看的戲)
Duck down a bit
While we filming our movie, teacher Robert said to my classmates "Duck down a bit 蹲低一點" when she was acting.
Late father
While I talked to Kris, which kufu actor he like the most?i said mine is Jet LI, and Kris said Jet Li has thyroid gland problems, and said my (deceased 亡故的 )father also had ,and teach me more common way to say " late father "
Props 道具
Although each group got their 300 HK dollars, I remember we didn't buy any props.
Tactical 短程的 nuke
Nuke -
I have to play a lot of line for my character. Originally, I misunderstand the meaning of tactical, after I check with Robert, I get the idea similar to 導彈, and here I look into dictionary: 策略的
tactical ballistic missile
Finally, we got the first place with prize.