Barking Up the Wrong Tree 你問和尚借梳
Hong Kong er Basic bitchMay 22, 2019
In Chinese culture and as a Chinese basic bitch, I am scared with using the topic idiom.
Most we talk to someone 「你問和尚借梳 」 in Chinese is similar to “ barking to the wrong tree” . But when I use English to write in a mail , I never use this English version especially they are not really good at English. As in Chinese culture, it is easy to make an impression that you are saying the receiver is a dog. Maybe foreigners will ask : “ so what as a dog, my dog is so cute , I love it” .
You know what: in chinese culture they always say dog is a bad things. Such as
走狗 lit. run dog , mean Lackey , more:
and ever when you spat 吵架 with someone, people tend to use dog as an scorn term to discriminate others.
Once I asked my English teacher, check whether has discrimination implied, the answer is NONE ! But all that said , 話雖如此, I still haven’t use it so far.