Don’t make a description “ Lone-wolf 獨行俠 “ to your foreigner friends.

In cantonses , if we say someone is 獨行俠 , it can be really cool to that person. 

as you never imagine that in English, on the contrary, actually is offensive 

# culture difference 

I used to play video war-like shooting game, I tend to pick my role-play as a lone  wolf which I really like. But I never thought that is a negative term in English when you describe person. 

Once I joined a language exchange event (English exchange with Cantonese) hosting by a group from Meetup apps. That day I was arranged to chat  with an energised young ABC who like to travel a lot. He talked enthusiastically about his traveling of North Korea, how he made fun with staff of museum, pretend himself innocence to ask sarcastic questions to made hard time to guides. We had good chat whole time.

Until almost end of the event, we were wrapping some conclusions, I made a real innocence and ignorance 無知 離地 of English comment on this guy. I said: “You are a lone-wolf”. After he heard that, he reacted with this, and said: “ Wow, it is not a compliment 讚美.” I asked dubiously 懷疑地 : “Why? I like to become a lone wolf when I am playing video” Then he started to explain to me that native english people use it as non -cooperative , might describe  colleague who doesn’t like hanging with others , and someone who like to keep to themselves. 

Learning English still long way to go. hope I can keep improving everyday 

see ya



Can’t Read - history english quizlet (play multi and choice Thur Morning)

inochi no betsumei 命 いのち 命の別名 Lyrics 石よ樹よ水よ Alias of life inochi no betsumei 命 いのち