
目前顯示的是 6月, 2019的文章

Quizlet + Youtube + buying + 500 basic

ぜんさい,  appetizer (前菜 zensai) うで, arm (ude 1:52腕) つく, arrive (tsuku 2:01 着く) やねうら, attic (閣樓 屋根裏 yaneura 2:07 ) こちら の おべんとう は あたためますか, (kochira no xx wa atatamemasuka) do you need to heat the lunch box? (1:22) ふくろ に おいれしますか 袋 に おいれしますか, do you need to put it in the bag (2:22)

en , chi (sentence) 英中 - news reader + kindle

ritzy,  The place is a dauntingly 時髦的 Italian restaurant. (your name) It is what it is, 事情就是如此 (Jessica cnn) obscene, That’s kinda 淫蕩  and Man how can she do that in public? (- your name) ripper ,撕裂 infuriated, 使大怒 accosted, he was just an officer who was getting to work when he was  搭訕 by the protesters. ( > ) defy,( Migrant ship docks to) 反抗 (Italy's government)( >  ) = open new window of the new in well-being  , (Japanese teens are lagging behind many other countries in )幸福 ( and happiness. )( >) >

siri 主力發音 (en chi) pronounce pronunciation history + erudite

siri 主力發音 (en chi) pronounce pronunciation history + erudite ------------- wisps,( wish p) 小束 一縷 (cirrus, 卷雲)(your name) (つたない=拙い =)maladroit , (ma la 多 it) (clumsy) 笨拙的 pesters, 糾纏(pet s ter) thermos, 保溫瓶 (firm mous) trudge, 沉重地走(trust ch) male chauvinism, 大男人主意( so 墓 ni 岑) plucky , ( plug ky ) 有膽量的 seminal, 開創性的 精液的(sent 民盧)(kindle) on the wane, 哀落 (went) ( news 李嘉成學校) soliloquy, 自言自語( soli lone creat) flutter, 飄揚 (flood ter )(your name kindle) 主發音玩multi en chi pauperism (paul per sum 貧民) = poverty = poor,貧民 pauperism (paul per sum) dame,男扮的搞笑老太婆 dame pillaging = 掠劫 plunder pillaging pillaging pillaging,掠劫 pillaging 老爺車 jalopy replace old car jalopy jalopy jalopy,老爺車 (jalopy) jalopy subsist 維持生命 on carrion 腐肉 subsist subsist,subsist 維持生命 subsist 維持生命 on carrion 腐肉 carrion carrion,on carrion 腐肉 The book hit the floor with a loud clunk. = dull sound,沉悶聲 thump travail= arduous work = toil 苦工,toil 苦工 he is always cringing to the boss 卑躬屈膝 = - ...

中英 my sentence (chi en) 5

中英 my sentence  (chi en) 5——- 失去吸引力, my ex wife pall on me 開誠布公, lay one’s card on the table  唔係化, no way 有殺錯無放過, without missing a beat (節拍)(your name) 讚自己, pat themselves on the back  打爆你嘅前列腺, i am gonna break your prostate  ================================= done 你說話有含意,you make cryptic remarks  他都不放鬆嗎?,does he ever lighten up  話雖如此 (although say like that)(japan always do their to push their envelope to their business, they do the excellent jobs. But all that said , they always become a loser comparison with chinese that without to much afford) But all that said  對我失去吸引力 pall on me  他不是月光族 (he is living paycheck to paycheck 我是月光族) i am living paycheck to paycheck 醉翁之意不在酒 it's always have an axe to grind when you are doing something 美化 tie ( ) in a bow (i just drink it occasionally )零星地 i just drink it sporadically 傾向 喜好 my pendant of picking romantic song 不是一步登天 it was't a click of finger 水腫 edema 別的想法 but i think otherwise 不論如何 用某種方法 one way ...

(en en ) English , explain dictionary sentence English + example (chi)

==============  quizlet en (chi) , en dictionary (chi) lacto-ovo-vegetarian (奶蛋素), is a person who eats vegetables, eggs, and dairy products but does not eat meat.   Jumping someone elses train , Copying someone elses style, or just agreeing with what they say and believe to fit in . a hand me down, a possession or item of clothing that is not new but has come from someone who no longer needs it or has outgrown it decant, to transfer from an original container to a different one  a pet peeve (惹惱 ), something someone finds particularly annoying or frustrating  to get the short straw, which describes a person in a group who gets the most unpleasant or difficult outcome in a situation. You can also say to draw the short straw. to milk it , means to take full advantage of a situation usually to gain sympathy, respect or kindness. To get 'hot under the collar' , means to become very annoyed or angry about something. (bbc) tawdry - cheesy 俗的, cheap a...