can read history -English , play multi on Web morning

can read history -English , play multi on Web morning ———en chi (en)——

Amnesty, 特赦

reconfigured the fabric, 重置結構(織物)

was doomed to (sink) , (v) 注定 ( 沉沒)(cnn jessica: many of them are doomed to blink out in coming decades)

conducive, replace helpfull 有助益的

fish stock, 供應物(cnn)

logjam ,僵局 (cnn Jessica)

helipad, 直升機升降坪

big break, 重大轉機 時來運到 (cnn)

have a soft spot for, 莫名喜愛(cnn)

is no stranger to , 習慣於 (cnn)

nasty cold, 惡劣的感冒(cnn)

knuckles tighten convulsively, 抽筋的

face grave , 表情凝重(墓)

incoherent., 語無倫次 (twilight saga)

school crest, 紋章 (the garden of word)(quest)

penny wise pound foolish, 因小失大

selflessly ,無私 (2012 )

unabashed optimist, 厚臉皮的(2012)

school crest, 紋章 (the garden of word)

opening,空缺 (escape room subtitles)

upfront checkout, 前台結帳(escape room subtitles)

bump,機會(escape room subtitles)

eat you heart out celebrity , joke 好過名人 

across , familiar 好識(podcast)

don’t milk it, 不要扮可憐 (podcast)

cherry pick, 自私地只選有利部 (podcast)

clever clogs ,  自以過人的人(podcast) 木屐

couching surfing, 暫寄朋友家(podcast)

cinder, 煤渣 (burnt coal stop giving off flames)

lanyard, 係索( rope deadeye extend shrouds and stay 支索)(review)

like riding a bike, (know how to do which never forget that skill )識做不會忙的事情

fat chance , replace less chance or a long shot

your cannot just cherry-pick the part, 只選好的( the english we speak)

what ever throw your boat ,- sarcasm (- do what your like)

stick to the chart, 照計劃做就好了(netflix)

pelican, (with a large throat pouch) 鵜鶘 塘鵝

unscrupulous ,不講道德的 prosecutions( tvb)

Presenter, 節目主持人
none the wiser, 瞞過他們 (Captain Marvel)
indiscriminate, 盲目(news)

on thin ice ,如履薄冰 (tvb)

jack in the box , 1. 包裝得很好但差勁的貨 2. 彈出

what ever throw your boat ,- sarcasm (- do what your like)



Can’t Read - history english quizlet (play multi and choice Thur Morning)

inochi no betsumei 命 いのち 命の別名 Lyrics 石よ樹よ水よ Alias of life inochi no betsumei 命 いのち