
目前顯示的是 11月, 2015的文章

Englishtown 大澳行山日

(Englishtown)22/11(日)大澳行山日;集合時間及地點:10am;東涌港鐵站A出口。 we started from here seizure  - 抽筋 沒收 發作 today once moment walked with Shelby, that time i was really Tsukaremashita 疲れました。and i express my feeling. i want to use "convulsing", demo she corrected me and said cramp 抽筋. seizure on YouTube http://youtu.be/MRZY2a2jnuw while i talked to Edwin, i note her she was not impressed by Japanese very much. She said Japanese people repressed. She like person which is more straightforward. while i saw Euwina stop to take a photo, I followed her and took this photo exotic Nick taught/ actual is "recall" four words mirage (務 哇) migraines (mind grains ) immigrants 外來移民 migrant 移民 old,but not obsolete 廢柴的過時的 nick said not obsolete mind still functional out of sight, out of mind after 4 hrs walking, we were hungry. waitress cleared our table, Shelby sat next to me, i suddenly saw the waitress find some dirty food surplus on the bowl, dakara she g...

日式大阪燒 okonomiyaki Englishtown)20/11(五)

Yakitori 焼き鳥 やきとり 時間及地點:7.30pm;Cakeaway-觀塘駿業里10號業運工業大廈2樓A1 。 Gooey - rich and sticky Scallion  Tonight I find many words I hard to speak out, although some I can remember some. ( for instance, sprinkle, garnish 加上裝飾菜 )But seem like I took my time I figured out how express myself. I think I need more practice. Tonight one important words is ladle長柄勺。   Long time ago, B taught me what is spatula (wok 鑊)鏟 While Renee talked to me, I act snow and lack of reaction. Maybe I am tried knackered as well.  Dakara can I say smear (s mei抺) He is a new teacher Robert. He came from England


(Englishtown)11/11(三)壁球運動;時間及地點:7.30pm;通州街公園壁球場-九龍深水埗通州街 (3及4號場)。 Today played squash with Jims, He teaches me "chronic illnesses


(Englishtown)8/11(日)幕後大作戰;集合時間及地點:11am;旺角英語服務中心-彌敦道664號惠豐中心6樓。 學員請帶備有拍攝功能的智能電話及相關電腦連接線(USB線)一條。  Cinephile  A new vocabulary on the handout - cinephile 聯想英文為: flick Flick 輕彈 give cigarettes a flick to knock off the ash  電影 chick flick 女子看的戲) Duck down a bit While we filming our movie, teacher Robert said to my classmates "Duck down a bit 蹲低一點" when she was acting. Late father While I talked to Kris, which kufu actor he like the most?i said mine is Jet LI, and Kris said Jet Li has thyroid gland problems, and said my (deceased 亡故的 )father also had ,and teach me more common way to say " late father " Props 道具 Although each group got their 300 HK dollars, I remember we didn't buy any props.  Tactical 短程的 nuke Nuke - I have to play a lot of line for my character. Originally, I misunderstand the meaning of tactical, after I check with Robert, I get the idea similar to 導彈, and here I look into dictionary: 策略的 戰術彈道飛彈 tactical ballistic missile Finally, we got the first ...