Treasures of Russia Exhibition. 4 Jan 2015 ( Englishtown Life club event )
Englishtown Life club event: Treasures of Russia Exhibition. 4 Jan 2015
Flash back of a laid-back day with Englishtown Life club event: Treasures of Russia Exhibition. 4 Jan 2015
Since Russia History is a Greek for me, frankly speak, vocabularies are hard for me in the Exhibition, but luckily, I can finally managed to jot down some idea of the history of Russia and I'm just concluding handful 少量的 points as following which the crux 關鍵 that I want to know:
1. Before WW II, the Empire of Russia is already gone. 1917 Russian Revolution, Vladimir Lenin列寧 and Leon Trotsky oust and kill the last Czar (Tzar沙皇) Nicolas II in 1918 together his family.
2. The last Tzar King of Russia are Alexander II, Alexander III and Nicolas II
3. Nicolas II and Qing dynasty King Puyi 溥儀 both are last Emperor of their Kingdoms and they are contemporary. 同代的
4. Ivan the Terrible is the first crowned Tzar
5. Peter I the Great is the one who built St. Peterbrug
What make me impressed: receding hairline 髮線後退
In the event, teacher Luke prepared us some worksheets, we need to jot down as well as drawing some objects and aristocracts 貴族 which we mentioned. While i am drawing the Alexander III, I put his character apparent on the work sheet, then one of my classmate Katherine asked me to draw out the Alexander's receding hairline. From that time, I am impressed that how discribe the people were apparent like this. As you are awared that now a day you really easy to get all the information that just on your fingertips, even on your smartphone, you might installed several, not only dictionary, but how many vocabularies are impressing you and how you really hnow to use while you really need to use it.
That's why I keep going to Life club event. Bcz through those events, words impressed me in different occasions. If you have no chance to immerse 沉浸 in the English world, Let join us.
Since Russia History is a Greek for me, frankly speak, vocabularies are hard for me in the Exhibition, but luckily, I can finally managed to jot down some idea of the history of Russia and I'm just concluding handful 少量的 points as following which the crux 關鍵 that I want to know:
1. Before WW II, the Empire of Russia is already gone. 1917 Russian Revolution, Vladimir Lenin列寧 and Leon Trotsky oust and kill the last Czar (Tzar沙皇) Nicolas II in 1918 together his family.
2. The last Tzar King of Russia are Alexander II, Alexander III and Nicolas II
3. Nicolas II and Qing dynasty King Puyi 溥儀 both are last Emperor of their Kingdoms and they are contemporary. 同代的
4. Ivan the Terrible is the first crowned Tzar
5. Peter I the Great is the one who built St. Peterbrug
What make me impressed: receding hairline 髮線後退
In the event, teacher Luke prepared us some worksheets, we need to jot down as well as drawing some objects and aristocracts 貴族 which we mentioned. While i am drawing the Alexander III, I put his character apparent on the work sheet, then one of my classmate Katherine asked me to draw out the Alexander's receding hairline. From that time, I am impressed that how discribe the people were apparent like this. As you are awared that now a day you really easy to get all the information that just on your fingertips, even on your smartphone, you might installed several, not only dictionary, but how many vocabularies are impressing you and how you really hnow to use while you really need to use it.
That's why I keep going to Life club event. Bcz through those events, words impressed me in different occasions. If you have no chance to immerse 沉浸 in the English world, Let join us.