Tea time and eczema 以可可代 茶 Now, in terms of tea, Karen recommends eczema sufferers to stay away from all teas as they are high in salicylates. Salicylates are chemicals found in many fruits and vegetables, herbs, nuts, teas, coffee, wine, beer and spices. Salicylate sensitivity is the most common chemical sensitivity in eczema sufferers and ingesting salicylate-rich foods can worsen eczema symptoms according to research from the RPA Hospital Allergy Unit in Sydney. What is an eczema safe substitute for tea? The Eczema Diet features ‘Choco Milk’ which can be served hot or cold. Simply combine ½ teaspoon of carob powder, 1½ cups of dairy free milk (organic soy milk/rice milk) and 1 teaspoon of rice malt syrup if you desire some form of sweetener. (Note coconut syrup and other coconut products are rich in salicylates so avoid these while you have eczema.)